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以新疆野生樱桃李实生群体为试材,通过接菌对其抗性进行鉴定,并对冠瘿瘤形成过程进行了观察,同时对抗病机理进行了初步探讨,结果显示:在对126棵新疆野生樱桃李抗根癌农杆菌的鉴定中,有25棵表现为高度抗病,约占鉴定总数的20%,说明新疆野生樱桃李是优良的抗根癌农杆菌种质资源。冠瘿瘤内部导管来源于寄主的木质部组织并先于筛管形成;冠瘿瘤形成早期对水分和养分的需求可能会大于同化产物。冠瘿瘤中存在有树状和球状2种结构维管束,树状维管束在冠瘿瘤不断扩大生长中发挥作用,而发育完成的冠瘿瘤主要以球状结构维管束行使运输功能。抗病植株中在侵染根癌农杆菌后玉米素核苷含量与对照差异不大,但感病植株在接菌18d时玉米素核苷含量显著增高;同时,ipt、iaaM和iaaH表达也明显高于抗病植株。说明ipt基因大量表达导致玉米素核苷含量在感病植株中快速上升,从而导致发病。 Xinjiang wild cherry plum seedlings were used as materials to identify their resistance through inoculation. The process of crown gall tumor was observed, and the mechanism of disease resistance was also discussed. The results showed that in 126 Xinjiang Wild cherry Lee anti-Agrobacterium tumefaciens identification, 25 were highly resistant to disease, accounting for 20% of the total number of identification, Xinjiang wild cherry plum is excellent resistance to Agrobacterium tumefaciens germplasm resources. The internal duct of the coronoid tumor originates from the xylem tissue of the host and precedes the screen tube. The demand of moisture and nutrients may be greater than the assimilation product in the early stage of the coronoid tumor formation. There are two kinds of structural vascular bundles, dendritic and globular, in the crown tumor, and the dendritic vascular bundle plays a role in the continuous growth of the coronoid tumor. The developed coronoid tumor mainly uses the globular vascular bundle to transport. The content of zeatin riboside in the resistant plants was not significantly different from the control after the Agrobacterium tumefaciens was infected, but the content of zeatin riboside in susceptible plants was significantly increased at the 18th day of inoculation; meanwhile, the expression of ipt, iaaM and iaaH was also significant Higher than disease-resistant plants. This indicated that the high expression of ipt gene resulted in the rapid increase of zeatin riboside content in susceptible plants, which led to the onset of disease.
由陕西宝鸡市能源研究所研制的 ZBU/G型太阳热水器,其板芯和水箱均采用不锈钢与普通碳素钢复合板材料制成,成本低、耐腐蚀、寿命长、不污染水质,是理想的饮用和洗浴热水装置
在Intel公司正式推出其下一代P6处理器的前夕,Intel的业务总监Craig Barrett最近向PCWeek记者John Dodge和Steve Kousky讲述了该公司目前的一些发展计划。 On the eve of I