城市蜘蛛人说到城市蜘蛛人,一定会联想到给高层建筑擦玻璃的保洁员,请不要误会, 此蜘蛛人非彼蜘蛛人。首先他们前进的方向是相反的,一个要冲破地球引力艰难攀爬,一个只需要借助工具顺势而下; 其次,最大的区别在于,一个要突破自我,一个只是为了给人擦玻璃。法国人阿兰·罗伯特就是一个卓越的城市蜘蛛人, 他的足迹遍布世界上顶级高的建筑物, 包括508米的台北101大楼,452米的吉隆坡双子星,巴黎艾菲尔铁塔,纽约帝国大厦,旧金山金门大桥。
City Spider-Man Spider-Man said the city will certainly think of high-rise building to clean the glass cleaner, please do not be misunderstood, this Spider-Man Spider-Man. First of all, they are going in the opposite direction. One must climb through the gravitational hardships and climb one by one with the help of the tools. Secondly, the biggest difference lies in the fact that one must break himself and one just to give people glass. Frenchman Alain Robert is a remarkable city Spider-Man, his footprints all over the world’s top high buildings, including 508 meters of Taipei 101, 452 meters of Kuala Lumpur Gemini, Paris Eiffel Tower, Empire State Building in New York, San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge.