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说到“大师”这个话题,笔者最先想到的是季羡林先生生前多次力辞“国学大师”、“学界泰斗”、“国宝”这三顶桂冠的佳话,而与季羡林齐名、被誉为“南饶北季”的饶宗颐先生,面对“国学大师”的桂冠时,也曾经表示“其实大师原来是称呼和尚的,我可不敢当”。就在诸如季羡林、饶宗颐等老一辈先生谢绝“大师”称号等谦卑的故事一再传为美谈的当下,却有另一拨人挖空心思想尽各种办法,为自己戴上一顶“大师”的帽子并以此招遥撞骗,这种种跳梁小丑般的行径,终 Speaking of “Master ” this topic, the author first thought is that Mr. Ji Xianlin many power words “Master of Guoxue”, “academic leaders ”, “national treasure ” the three laurels of the story, and And Ji Xianlin par, known as “Nan Rao North Quarter ” Rao Zongyi, in the face of “master of Guoxue ” when the crown, also said “In fact, the master was originally called the monk, I can not be ”. Just as the humble stories of Ji Xianlin and Rao Zongyi, such as Ji Xianlin and Rao Zongyi, have been passed down as the title of “beautiful masterpieces” repeatedly to the present moment of the American talk, there is another group of people who have devoted themselves to finding ways to put on their own “ Master ”hat and trickery to cheat, this kind of jump clown-like act, and finally
学生管理是高校管理工作的重点之一,班级又是学校的基本组成 单位。本文运用群体心理规律中的群体动力学理论,在分析班级群体的群体规 范、群体压力、群体凝聚力等问题的基础上