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我国经济的迅速发展,带动了信息技术的进步。人们的生活和工作也越来越离不开信息技术的应用。信息技术与教育发展实现有机结合,有效加快了教育行业的发展。目前很多小学院校在语文教学中应用了微课,大大提高了课堂教学效率和教学质量。学生自主学习的良好习惯得到了培养,能够积极、自主地投入到课堂教学中。但是目前我国小学语文教学中微课的应用还存在很多问题,使微课优势不能充分发挥,因此在微课应用中要不断改革和创新,让学生在微课模式下对语文这门学科有更深层次的理解和认知。 The rapid economic development in our country has led to the progress of information technology. People’s life and work are increasingly inseparable from the application of information technology. The organic integration of information technology and education has effectively accelerated the development of the education industry. At present, many primary schools apply the micro-class in Chinese teaching, which greatly improves classroom teaching efficiency and teaching quality. Good habits of students to learn independently have been trained, can be actively, autonomously into classroom teaching. However, there are still many problems in the application of micro-class in Chinese primary school teaching so that the advantages of micro-class can not be fully exerted. Therefore, we must constantly reform and innovate in the application of micro-class so that students can have a deeper understanding of Chinese under the micro-class mode Level of understanding and understanding.
沾衣欲湿杏花雨,吹面不寒杨柳风。  —— (宋)志南《绝句》  欲验春来多少雨,野塘漫水可回舟。  ——(宋) 周邦彦《春雨》  报道先生归也,杏花春雨江南。  —— (元)虞集《風入松·寄柯敬仲》  春雨断桥人不度,小舟撑出柳阴来。  ——(宋) 徐俯《春游湖》  林外鸣鸠春雨歇,屋头初日杏花繁。  ——(宋) 欧阳修《田家》  柳丝长,春雨细,花外漏声迢递。  ——(唐) 温庭筠《更漏子·柳丝