苹果变得越来越不像一个设备供应商,她甚至离技术革新者也愈行愈远,俨然是一只时尚大鳄。9月上旬,苹果向全球推出了新款手机iPhone 6和6 Plus,从纽约到伦敦,从东京到香港,世界各个角落展开了疯抢。19日是iPhone 6在东京售卖的第一天,一大早银座的专卖店门口就有多达千余名果粉排起长龙,短短数日,总人口不到1.3亿的日本就订出了100万台。相比各地的热闹,这次苹果“照
Apple is becoming less and less like a device supplier, she is even farther and farther away from technological innovators, just like a fashion predators. In early September, Apple introduced the new handsets iPhone 6 and 6 Plus to the world, from New York to London, from Tokyo to Hong Kong, and started the berserk in every corner of the world. On the 19th, the first day iPhone 6 was sold in Tokyo, there were as many as a dozen fruit flour lined up in front of Ginza store early in the morning. In just a few days, Japan, with a total population of less than 130 million, set a One million units. Compared to the lively around, this apple ”according to