Wuhu Kindergarten, Yangluo Street, Xinzhou District, Wuhan, Hubei Province, was founded in August 2010 and formerly known as Wuhu Sub-Park, Yangluo Street Central Kindergarten. Kindergarten is located in the Wuhu Sanhe new rural area, is supporting the construction of peasant village Wuhu Kindergarten. In August 2014, in order to meet the needs of the construction and development of Yangluo Development Zone, the independent office park was formally approved by the Education Bureau of Xinluo District Bureau of Education and Yangluo Street as the second public kindergarten of Yangluo Street. Kindergarten covers an area of 5300 square meters, garden building area of 2250 square meters, green area of 1600 square meters. There are 6 teaching classes (2 large classes, 2 medium classes and 2 small classes) in the park. There are 249 children in the park: there are 25 faculty members in the park.