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随着信息技术的高速发展及电脑的日益普及,网络已逐步走入普通家庭,成为青少年学习、交往、休闲的主要手段。但在实现信息自由流通的同时,网络的负面效应也初见端倪。未成年人还处于成长中,思想远未成熟,辨别真伪能力较差。若不对未成年人加以正确引导,后果不堪设想。正视网络对未成年人的影响,充分发挥网络优势,限制网络可能产生的负面效应,已成为当前刻不容缓的任务。一、未成年人“触网”的积极作用1.网络有助于青少年掌握科学文化知识,拓宽视野计算机网络和传统媒体有极大的区别,传统信息媒介传递信息要受到载体物理性质限制,而网络快捷、方便,信息量大,有利于拓宽未成年人的知识面,满足其求知欲望。同时网络的开放性使青少年受到各种文化的熏陶,享受到人类文明创造出的各种优秀成果。 With the rapid development of information technology and the ever-increasing popularity of computers, the Internet has gradually entered the ordinary family and become the primary means of learning, communication and leisure for young people. However, the free flow of information at the same time, the negative effects of the network has also begun to take shape. The minors are still growing up, their ideas are far from mature, and their authenticity is poor. If the minors are not properly guided, the consequences will be disastrous. Facing the impact of the Internet on minors, giving full play to the advantages of the Internet and limiting the possible negative effects of the Internet have become the urgent task for the moment. I. The Positive Role of Minors “Touching the Net ” 1. The Internet Helps Young People to Master Scientific and Cultural Knowledge and Broaden Their Horizons There is a great difference between computer networks and traditional media. The traditional information media should pass the physical limitations of the carrier , While the network is fast, convenient and informative, which is beneficial to broaden the knowledge of minors and satisfy their appetite for knowledge. At the same time, the openness of the Internet has enabled adolescents to be nurtured by various cultures and enjoy the excellent achievements created by human civilization.
提出了一种新颖的功率管理方案用于波分复用全光环网中。它以节点孤立原则为基础 ,采用预均衡技术对经EDFA放大后的所有光信道功率均衡。这样不但简化了网络监控方案 ,同时增