
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:robertruntian
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高校旅游专业经过多年的发展已经形成了一套独有的体系,但是在发展的过程中还得注意适应时代的要求,培养适合在我国新形势下的具有综合素质的旅游人才,所在旅游管理专业课程的设计应该设定为对应用性人才的培养,教学计划要紧跟社会的现状,培养在市场需要多元化的复合型人才,尤其是在旅游课程的实践阶段,学生的实践与认知能力要得到提升。综合来说高校旅游管理专业本科教育应该着眼于专业能力强、认知能力好、基本素质高的人才的培养,满足社会转型期间的特殊旅游从业者的需求,更好的服务于我们旅游业健康、可持续稳定的发展。 After many years of development, tourism specialties in colleges and universities have formed a unique system, but in the course of their development, they have to pay attention to the requirements of the times and cultivate qualified tourism professionals in the new situation of our country. The tourism management major The curriculum design should be set up for the cultivation of applicative talents. The teaching plan should closely follow the current situation of the society and cultivate multi-talents in the market. Especially in the practical stage of tourism curriculum, the students’ practice and cognitive ability To be promoted. To sum up, undergraduate education in tourism management should focus on the cultivation of professionals with strong professional skills, good cognitive ability and high basic quality to meet the needs of special tourism practitioners during social transformation and better serve our tourism health , Sustainable and stable development.