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随着我国国民经济的不断发展和社会文明的飞跃性进步,教育事业的发展水平得到了社会各界的广泛关注,社会各个行业当中的专业技术人员的技术水平成为了相关社会人士关注的焦点。而企业专业技术人员的继续教育工作也成为了社会加强企业在职技术人员业务与技能水平的一个重要方式,政府作为支持企业专业技术人员进行继续教育的一种不存在市场因素的重要力量,在其中发挥着重要的作用。政府在企业专业技术人员的继续教育当中发挥出的作用是一个可持续的发展过程。本文将以企业专业技术人员继续中政府的作用为主要研究对象,对我国企业专业技术人员继续教育中政府发挥作用的现状进行分析,发现其中存在的问题,并提出针对性的解决措施,希望以此来实现我国政府在企业专业技术人员继续教育中作用的最大化。 With the continuous development of our national economy and the rapid progress of social civilization, the development level of education has drawn wide attention from all sectors of society. The technical level of professional and technical personnel in various sectors of society has become the focus of attention of the relevant community. The continuous education of professional and technical personnel of enterprises has also become an important way for the society to strengthen the business and technical skills of technicians in service in the society. The government, as an important force that does not have market factors to support the continuous professional education of professional and technical personnel, Play an important role. The government’s role in the continuing education of professional and technical personnel in enterprises is a sustainable development. This article will be the professional and technical personnel of enterprises continue to be the role of the government as the main object of study, the continuous development of professional and technical personnel in our country government to play a role in the analysis of the status quo, find the problems and propose solutions to address the hope that In this way, the government of our country will realize the maximization of the role of government professionals in continuing education.
央行有关房贷的新政策公布后,引起了一些房地产开发商的担忧。然而也有高兴的,对于一直在悄悄试水中国市场的海外基金来说,可能是个莫大的机遇。 After the announcement of