沧州市新华区委书记王志亮发扬党管武装的优良传统,一手抓经济、一手抓武装,时时处处以自己的模范行动影响和带领“一班人”抓好武装工作。在常委会上他多次讲;聪明的领导要抓武装,不抓武装不是好领导,不抓武装的“班子”不是好“班子”。 “官兵的贴心人” 1994年底。王志亮担任了新华区委书记。上任第一天,他就带领区委、区政府、区人武部和各职能部门的同志带着慰问品到驻区部队进行慰问。征求部队意见和建议,了解官兵的工作、生活情况,并挨家挨户地慰问随军家属,到执勤点看望
Wang Zhiliang, secretary of Xinhua District Party Committee of Cangzhou City, carried forward the fine tradition of party administration of armed forces, took the economic hand into one hand and always took the lead in influencing and leading “one group of people” in carrying out armed work with his exemplary actions. In the standing committee, he said many times: clever leaders should take the lead in armed forces. If they do not grasp armed forces, they will not be good leaders and armed “leaders” are not good “leaders.” “Intimate officers and men” by the end of 1994. Wang Zhiliang served as Xinhua District Party Secretary. On the first day of his tenure, he led comrades from the district party committee, the district government, the district armed forces department and various functional departments with condolences to the garrison units for condolences. Solicit opinions and suggestions from the armed forces, understand the work and life of the officers and men and condolences to the families of the armed forces from house to house, to the duty station to visit