山东省泰安市泰山区近几年来挖掘泰山东麓自然和人文景观资源,把科技种植与养殖有机融入风光优美的自然之中,加快了该区旅游观光农业区的发展。 泰山区地处泰山脚下,为高起点、高标准地建设观光农业区,一条长20多千米的观光旅游道路已经建成。聘请专家因地制宜、科学规划了旅游度假
Taishan District, Tai’an City, Shandong Province In recent years, mining the natural and cultural landscape resources in the eastern foot of Tarzan, science and technology cultivation and farming into the beautiful natural scenery, and accelerate the development of tourism and sightseeing agricultural area in the area. Taishan District is located at the foot of Mount Tai, a high starting point, the construction of sightseeing agricultural area, a more than 20 kilometers long tourist road has been completed. Hire experts according to local conditions, the scientific planning of the tourist holiday