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四年没当班主任了,今年我重操旧业,当起了班主任。想起我四年前带的那届学生,还是感慨颇多的。那时我毕业刚一年,深知自己年轻经验不足,很怕“镇”不住学生。所以处处严格要求,事事追求完美,在很多事情的处理上不免急躁冒进了一些。现在我已是一个3岁孩子的妈妈,初为人母,对很多事情的看法都发生了变化。我在教育自己孩子时,也在反思以前对学生的教育是不是存在着一些问题。每一个学生都是一个独立的个体,有着自 Four years did not attend class teacher, and this year I am back in the old industry, became a class teacher. Remembered the students I brought with me four years ago, still feeling a lot. At that time, just a year after I graduated, I realized that I was young and inexperienced. I was afraid that “town” could not live with students. Therefore, strict demands everywhere, the pursuit of perfection in everything, in many things can not help but be impatient to take some aggressive. Now that I am a 3-year-old mother, first-born, I have changed my opinion of many things. When I educate my children, I also reflect on the previous education of students is not there are some problems. Each student is an independent individual, with a self
报道了重庆市归化植物一新记录属——百金花属(Centaurium Hill)及新记录种——日本百金花(Centaurium japonicu(Maxim.)Druce),标本存放在重庆自然博物馆植物标本室(CQNM).