Photosensitive nuclear sterile rice Nongken 58S and normal fertile Nongken 58N timely sowing, so that the light-sensitive period under the control of natural long sunshine. At the seedling stage, tillering stage, the second branch of stems differentiation stage, the formation of female and male pistils, the formation of pollen mother cells and meiosis were taken in the dark and light under the panicle and the first full-leaf protein two-dimensional electrophoresis Analysis, found 17 specific protein components. Among them, 11 components showed either or no difference between fertile and sterile rice; 3 components showed the change of expression; and the other 3 components showed the shift in the two-dimensional electrophoresis map. The results also showed that low temperature and abnormally high temperature not only partially restored the pollen fertility of photo-sensitive sterile rice, but also resulted in the corresponding changes of the protein components in the electrophoresis pattern.