
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a442697259
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Background: Gastric electrical stimulation (GES) has been shown to be efficaci ous for drug refractory gastroparesis, but GES requires surgery. Placement of te mporary GES electrodes endoscopically (ENDOstim) or via a PEG (PEGstim) is feasi ble,thereby allowing rapid assessment and comparison of temporary use (TEMP) wit h permanent (PERM) implantation.Methods: Twenty consecutive patients with gastro paresis had TEMP electrodes placed (6 ENDOstim, 14 PEGstim). TEMP alone and TEMP vs. PERM placement of GES devices in 13 of 20 patients were compared via the fo llowing: average vomiting frequency score (VFS), total symptom score, days to sy mptom improvement, electrode impedance, and gastric emptying test.Results: For p atients receiving TEMP, GES demonstrated a rapid, significant, and sustained imp rovement in VFS, results similar to those for PERM. Conclusions: Both ENDO and P EG placement of GES electrodes are safe and effective in patients with gastropar esis, with outcomes that correspond to those achieved with permanent GES implant ation. Background: Gastric electrical stimulation (GES) has been shown to be efficaci ous for drug refractory gastroparesis, but GES requires surgery. Placement of te Gtable electrodes Endoscopically (ENDOstim) or via a PEG (PEGstim) is feasi ble. and comparison of temporary use (TEMP) wit h permanent (PERM) implantation. Methods: Twenty consecutive patients with gastro paresis had TEMP electrodes placed (6 ENDOstim, 14 PEGstim). TEMP alone and TEMP vs. PERM placement of GES devices in 13 of 20 patients were compared via the fo llowing: average vomiting frequency score (VFS), total symptom score, days to sy mptom improvement, electrode impedance, and gastric emptying test. Results: For p atients receiving TEMP, GES demonstrated a rapid, significant, and sustained imp rovement in VFS, results similar to those for PERM. Conclusions: Both ENDO and P EG placement of GES electrodes are safe and effective in patients with gastropar esis, with outcomes that corres pond to those achieved with permanent GES implant ation.
“我们就是想尽力帮助老区革命烈士后裔做点实实在在的事。看着他们一个个学业有成,走上工作岗位报效社会,我们就感到很欣慰了。”陆丰市老促会会长林福美在接受记者采访时这样说。  近日,记者在碣石镇见到了曾经受过资助的烈士后裔郑艺,他现在已是碣石中学的一名教师了。这位80后的小伙子有些腼腆,但说起话来总是面带笑容。他告诉记者,过去家里7口人全靠父母务农,考虑到读大学费用高,家里负担不起,读高中时曾有过辍学
INTRODUCTION: We report on a patient cohort with dorsal horseshoe fistulas-in-ano. We sought to answer the question of whether these fistulas can be operatively