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《木兰诗》的艺术魅力是多方面的,其中充满传奇色彩,一直引人入胜。首先是故事情节的奇特而充满着传奇色彩。其次是人物的战斗经历充满着传奇色彩。再次是人物的奇美的思想性格充满着传奇色彩。《木兰诗》是传统的老教材,针对它具有传奇色彩的特点和学生好奇探胜的特征,因材施教,因人施教,让老教材教出新意。 The artistic charm of Mulan is multifaceted, full of legend and fascinating. The first is the story of the peculiar and full of legendary. Followed by the characters fighting experience is full of legend. Once again, the character’s chic ideological character is full of legend. The “Mulan Poem” is a traditional old teaching material. According to the characteristics of its legendary characteristics and curiosity of students’ curiosity, “Mulan Poem” is teaching students according to their aptitude and giving lessons to others in order to teach old teaching materials new ideas.