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许多人认为,美国应当抛弃“夕阳工业”,转向服务业和高技术类的“朝阳工业”。我们认为这一观点是错误的。我们的主要论点是“直接联系”概念:许多服务业是与制造业紧密相连的,失掉制造业,社会也将失去那些高薪的服务业。高技术与制造业也密切相关,而不是浮在半空中的实验室活动。持“后工业化”观点的人把由工业转向服务业与当年由农业转向工业相提并论。这种经济发展史的观点混淆了两个不同的转移:把农业生产转移到别处和把劳动力从农业转移到别的部门。上述第一种转移从未发生过,美国的农业生产从未向国外转移或萎缩,相反,我们正使农业生产更加机械化。 Many people think that the United States should abandon the “sunset industry” and turn to the “sunrise industry” of service industries and high-tech industries. We think this view is wrong. Our main argument is the notion of “direct connection”: many service industries are closely linked to manufacturing industries, losing manufacturing industries and losing the well-paid service industries in society. High technology and manufacturing are also closely related, not lab activities floating in the air. Those who hold the view of “post-industrialization” put the shift from industry to service and the shift from agriculture to industry that year. This view of the history of economic development has confused two different shifts: shifting agricultural production elsewhere and shifting labor from agriculture to other sectors. The above-mentioned first transfer has never happened before. The agricultural production in the United States has never been transferred or contracted to other countries. On the contrary, we are making the agricultural production more mechanized.
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1998年 5月 ,博兴县发生一接种乙脑疫苗偶合肾综合征出血热死亡病例 ,报告如下。1 临床资料患儿李某 ,女 ,19月龄 ,住博兴县李韩村 ,1998年5月 11日 10 :0 0在本县兴福镇防
1996~1999年本科住院伤寒、副伤寒病例数占杂病总数32%,远高于1991~1994年(占16%),为探讨其中的原因并指导预防,特作调查分析。资料和方法 资料来自于1996~1999年我科伤寒、副
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