实例一 故障现象:一辆新大洲火凤凰125型摩托车,行驶了2000多公里。据车主反映,怠速时发动机有嗒嗒的杂音,做加速试验,无此现象。从发动机各处试听,都有此杂音,故送到修理店。 故障分析与排除:根据车主反映的情况,将车启动着车,试听发动机左右侧有此声音,做加速试验,声音消失。根据以前修车的经验,我认为问题不会出现在
Example A breakdown phenomenon: a new continent Phoenix 125 motorcycle, traveling more than 2000 kilometers. According to the owner to reflect, idling engine when there is a click noise, so to speed up the test, no such phenomenon. Listen from the engine everywhere, have this noise, so sent to the repair shop. Failure Analysis and Elimination: According to the situation reflected by the owners, the car started the car, audition on the left and right side of the engine with this sound, so to speed up the test, the sound disappeared. According to the experience of the previous car repair, I think the problem will not appear