选购篇 众所周知,做为电信号变换为声信号从而让人能够听到声音的音箱,乃是家庭影院或立体声重放装置中最为重要的一个组成,不仅在总的投资比例上占据较多的份额,而且还是音响和AV器材中最难于选购的一种。原因是音箱的品牌成千上方,似让人无所适从,望而生畏,更无从下手。然而,音箱又决非无法选购的,完全可以通过播放音乐来判断其优劣,从中选出称心如意又售价合理的好音箱来。
As we all know, as the electrical signal is converted to an acoustic signal so that people can hear the sound speaker, but the home theater or stereo playback device is the most important one, not only in the total investment ratio to occupy more Share, but also the most difficult audio and AV equipment to buy a. The reason is that thousands of speakers above the brand, it seems people at a loss, daunting, but no way to start. However, the speaker is by no means impossible to buy, can judge the pros and cons by playing the music, from which you can choose good and reasonable price good speakers.