
来源 :中国学校卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dlcad
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目的:为寻求以手腕骨形态判断生长突增的开始。方法:对泰山小学一年级111名学生,身高生长速度和手腕骨X线摄片连续观察。结果:从生长突增开始及高峰期的手腕骨形态,提出了用手腕部X线摄片判断生长突增开始和突增高峰的手腕骨形态指标。结论:为青春期儿童的疾病诊断、预防和矫治时机的选择提供了科学依据。 OBJECTIVE: To begin the search for a sudden increase in growth with the appearance of wrist bones. Methods: A total of 111 freshmen from Taishan Primary School were enrolled in this study. Their height growth rate and wrist bone radiography were observed continuously. Results: From the start of growth surge and the peak of wrist bones morphology, we proposed a wrist wrist X-ray imaging to determine the growth of sudden increase and sudden increase in the peak of the wrist bone morphological indicators. Conclusion: This study provides a scientific basis for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of adolescent children.