In view of the large error of the ultra-low power temperature sensor, a parasitic substrate PNP transistor biased by an accurate proportional current source is used to design a new type of high-precision temperature signal that can be integrated into a passive RFID tag using a 0.18 μm mixed signal process sensor. The sensor core generates a voltage signal proportional to absolute temperature, amplified by a new switched-capacitor integrator, and digitized by an improved 12-bit ultra-low power successive approximation analog-to-digital converter. The simulation results show that the single-time temperature conversion time is 4.25ms, the average current is 17.5μA at the operating voltage of 1.8V, and the temperature error is -0.1 ℃ ~ 0.43 ℃ in the range of -37 ℃ ~ 91 ℃.