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节能降耗直接关系到供电企业的经济效益,县供电企业如何做到线损稳中有降,实现线损管理的最优水平,是广大农电管理者苦苦探索的课题之一。作为全国百强县之一,河南省偃师市的县域经济相对发达,但是地处中原,乡镇企业较多、农业大县、境内两山夹一盆的复杂地形等因素,又给偃师市供电公司的线损管理带来了诸多难题。面对困难,偃师市供电公司一手抓技术降损,一手抓管理降损,取得了可喜的成绩,走出了农业大县降损节能的新路子。作为国家电网公司表彰的49家电网降损先进单位之一,其降损之道先进,管理手段到位,降损效果十分明显。该公司的降损之道不仅在于企业领导的思路超前,敢于运用高科技,而且在于班子成员的团结拼搏,各负其责,更源于企业的和谐和全体员工的步调一致,无私奉献。经过3年来的不懈努力,偃师市供电公司获得降损利润2575万元。然而,供电企业节能降损是一个系统工程,不能一蹴而就,它需要企业管理者站在可持续发展的高度,结合本单位的工作实际,加大综合管理工作力度,不断运用高科技手段,才能达到降损节能的预期效果。企业降损这一常态管理命题,只要用心去做,一定会获益。 Energy saving is directly related to the economic benefits of power supply enterprises, county power supply companies how to achieve steady loss of line losses, to achieve the optimal level of line loss management, is the majority of rural electricity managers one of the topics to be explored. As one of the top 100 counties in the country, Yanshi City, Henan Province, the county economy is relatively developed, but is located in the Central Plains, township enterprises more, agricultural counties, the territory of a mountainous area with a pot of complicated terrain and other factors, but also to Yanshi Power company’s loss management has brought many problems. In the face of difficulties, Yanshi City Power Supply Company grasps the technical reduction and the reduction of management in one hand and has made gratifying achievements. It has stepped out of a new path of energy saving in major agricultural counties. As one of the 49 advanced power grid units damaged by the State Grid Corporation of China, the advanced methods of reducing losses and the management tools are in place, and the reduction effect is very obvious. The company’s downgrade lies not only in thinking ahead of business leaders, the courage to use high technology, but also the unity and hard work of team members, each responsible, but also from the harmony of the enterprise and all staff in unison, selfless dedication. After three years of unremitting efforts, Yanshi City Power Company received 25,750,000 yuan loss of profits. However, energy-saving enterprises to reduce power loss is a systems engineering, can not be done overnight, it requires business managers standing on the height of sustainable development, combined with the actual work unit, to increase efforts in integrated management, continuous use of high-tech means to achieve Reduce the expected effect of energy saving. Enterprises to reduce the loss of this norm management proposition, as long as the intention to do, will benefit.
近日,第十六届上海国际服装纺织品贸易博览会(Fashion Shanghai 2010)顺利开幕。它是上海国际服装文化节的重要贸易活动,同时也是每年春季全国最具影响力的专业展览会。Fashi
试卷 (1)1. D 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. A6. C 7. A  8. B 9. D 10. B11. D 12. D 13. A 14. B 15. B16. C 17. A 18. C 19. B 20. D21. A 22. A 23. C 24. D 25. B26. D 27. C 28
采摘云朵的人  甜蜜不可復制,不可反刍。  宜口含萸连遗忘。  特别是当舌根生出绿苔  病烛开始彻夜咳血西窗时。  然而,某个落太阳出月亮的早晨  我还是忍不住从冰箱里搬出自己  搬出一杆糖分尽失的救兵  试着重温那一场骤降的甘霖。  茂名,大唐荔枝贡园  雨水中将梯子搭上天空的人。  他采摘的红色云朵覆盖了我们  头顶的伞。  脚下悬着未知的攀升与坠落  他不停将盈袖的暗香和满裤脚的冷  一一递
2010第二届苏州葡萄节暨首届苏州夏季优质农产品交易会展出时间:2010年8月6日—9日展会地点:苏州国际博览中心(4A馆)参展内容:品牌葡萄、精品水果、饮 The 2nd Suzhou Grape