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在黑龙江省西部半干旱地区的龙江县、讷河县和克东县3个立地条件不同的试验点,营造兴安、长白、华北、日本和西伯利亚5种落叶松引种试验林21hm2,日本落叶松示范林50hm2,经18年观察比较,以及对当地早期人工林的调查研究,得出结论是:华北落叶松能成活成林,但材积生长量远不如当地树种兴安落叶松,不宜引种造林;长白落叶松适应能力强,已引种栽培多年,其生产力高,木材产量超过兴安落叶松1倍以上,应大力发展,作为营造落叶松林的主要树种;日本落叶松引入北纬48°13′,降水量500mm左右的黑龙江省西部半干旱地区尚属首次。实验证明,它适应性强,生长快,林分稳定,18年生平均胸径145cm,平均树高129m,蓄积量比兴安落叶松大1倍以上,比长白落叶松大50%至1倍,生长好于辽宁、山东引种的日本落叶松,引种是成功的,可以在生产上大面积引种造林;兴安落叶松是乡土树种,适应当地寒冷干旱的环境条件,生长正常,能成林成材,为使造林树种多样化,可适当用于营造一般用材林和防护林;树种选择要与优良种源选择相结合,以提高落叶松人工林的稳定性和生产力。日本落叶松引种最好使用经中国大陆性气候驯化过的人工林的种子。 In the three experimental sites with different site conditions in Longjiang County, Nehe County and Kedong County in the semi-arid region of western Heilongjiang Province, five species of Larix were introduced in Xing’an, Changbai, North China, Japan and Siberia to establish a pilot plantation of 21hm2, Loosening Fulin 5  0hm2, after 18 years of observation and comparison, as well as the local early plantation research, concluded that: Larix principis-rupprechtii can survive, but the volume of growth is far less than the local species Larch, should not be introduced Larix olgensis adaptability, has been introduced for many years of cultivation, its high productivity, timber production more than 1 times Larix Larix, should be vigorously developed, as the main species to create Larch forest; Larix kaempferi introduced latitude 48 ° 13 ’ For the first time in the semi-arid region of western Heilongjiang Province, about 500 mm of precipitation is the first. Experiments show that it has strong adaptability, fast growth and stable stand. The 18-year-old average diameter at breast height is 14.5 cm and the average tree height is 12.9 m. Its stock volume is more than 1 times larger than that of Larix gmelinii and 50% Times, grow better than Liaoning, Shandong introduction of Japanese larch, the introduction is successful, you can introduce a large area in the production of afforestation; Larix ginseng is a native tree species, to adapt to the local cold and dry environmental conditions, growth is normal, In order to diversify afforestation species, it can be appropriately used to create general timber forests and shelterbelts. The selection of tree species should be combined with the selection of superior provenances to improve the stability and productivity of Larix gmelinii plantation. Larix kaempferi is best introduced using seedlings of plantations domesticated in China’s continental climate.
以核质杂种 NC2 1 3 4和 D2 -鉴 2 6(均带有 D2 细胞质 )为细胞质供体 ,以筛选恢复系和转育不育系为目的 ,用 69个春小麦品种为核供体进行回交转育 ,观察不同核质组合后代的
通过不同施肥配方处理麻疯树,探索能够增加雌雄花比例的和产量的施肥配比.结果表明,施用NPK复合肥100 g+微量元素肥100 g/株,能在促进生长开花、增加雌雄花比例效果最好,同时