目的了解清远市市售熟肉制品中常用添加剂的使用情况,为制定科学有效的管理措施提供依据。方法着色剂依照GB/T 5009.35-2003食品中合成着色剂和GB/T 21916-2008水果罐头中合成着色剂的测定方法;发色剂按照GB 5009.33-2010亚硝酸盐和硝酸盐的测定进行检测。数据按GB 2760-2011《食品添加剂使用标准》进行评价。结果 2013—2015年连续3年随机采集清远市当地熟肉制品399份,综合评定合格率为83.21%。其中亚硝酸盐合格率为99.50%,人工合成色素合格率为82.09%。结论熟肉制品中存在超范围超量使用添加剂,建议有关职能部门加强此类食品的监督监测工作,以保障消费者身体健康。
Objective To understand the use of commonly used additives in cooked meat products on the market in Qingyuan City and provide the basis for the establishment of scientific and effective management measures. Method coloring agent in accordance with GB / T 5009.35-2003 synthetic colorants in food and GB / T 21916-2008 canned fruit in the determination of synthetic colorants; hair dye in accordance with GB 5009.33-2010 Determination of nitrite and nitrate were detected . Data according to GB 2760-2011 “use of food additives standards” for evaluation. Results From 2013 to 2015, 399 samples of local cooked meat products from Qingyuan City were randomly collected for three consecutive years. The overall pass rate was 83.21%. Among them, the passing rate of nitrite is 99.50%, the pass rate of synthetic pigment is 82.09%. Conclusion There are over-range over-use additives in cooked meat products. It is suggested that relevant functional departments should strengthen the supervision and monitoring of such food to ensure the health of consumers.