ESL(English as Second Language)和EFL(English as a Foreign Language)学习者在使用二语或外语进行表达时,会注意到自己想表达与能表达之间的差距。这个差距也会在学习者所产生的中介语体现出来。“想表达”与“能表达”之间的差距称为“表达差”。那么表达差就可以通过考察学习者的中介语测量出来。量化的表达差可以用来评估学习者的语言能力、学习效果,也为作文的客观评价提供了一个可行的方案。
When ESL (English as Second Language) and EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners express themselves in second or foreign languages, they notice the gap between their own expressions and their ability to express themselves. This gap will also be reflected in the interlanguage produced by learners. The gap between “want to express” and “can express” is called “expression difference”. Then the expression difference can be measured by examining the learner’s interlanguage. The quantified expression difference can be used to assess the learner’s language ability and learning effect. It also provides a feasible solution for the objective evaluation of the composition.