
来源 :大连近代史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:MUNICH2009
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在抗日战争中,正面战场是抗日战争的主战场之一,在抗日战争中发挥了重要作用。针对相持阶段战场的态势,国民政府制定了新的军事策略和作战方针,进行了持续抵抗,对抗日战争的胜利作出了重大的贡献。在抗日战争胜利70周年的今天,我们要理性地看待正面战场的历史作用,本着尊重历史事实的原则,辩证地看待其得失,真正做到以史为鉴、开辟未来。 In the War of Resistance Against Japan, the frontal battlefield was one of the main battlefields in the war of resistance against Japan and played an important role in the war of resistance against Japan. In response to the stalemate in the stalemate phase, the Kuomintang government formulated a new military strategy and operational guidelines, carried out sustained resistance and made significant contributions to the triumph of the Anti-Japanese War. Today, as the 70th anniversary of the victory of the anti-Japanese war, we should rationally view the historical role of the frontal battlefield and treat it in a dialectical way based on the principle of respecting historical facts, so as to truly learn from history and open up the future.
[问题1]1000只外形和大小一样的球中,有1只球的重量不合格。使用无码天平把它找出来,最少要称几次?  解答:本题并没要求“保证找出来”,只要求“可能找出来”就行了。如果“运气”极好,随便抓两只球(例如A、B两球),放在天平的两边,凑巧出现不平衡,于是,就可以断定不合格的那只球在A和B这两只球中,而其余的998只球都是合格的。然后,从998只合格的球中任取1只放在天平的一边,从A、B中任取1只(