卢迪·里西欧提1952年生于阿尔及利亚。他就学于日内瓦科技大学并于1975年获得文凭,后又于1980年在法国马赛通过了建筑师文凭。他属于这批于八十年代末,九十年代初引起轰动及争议的新型建筑设计师。现代社会中各种文化和各个学科领域的交汇融合,给新一代建筑设计师们提供了打破常规、寻求新的发展方向的可能性。而这一代建筑设计师的发展阶段,时逢大型工程末期,法国政府开始缩减建设资金,这便要求年青设计师们在力求创造性的同时,在降低造价方面作出努力。 被称为“建筑设计师中的义勇军”的卢迪·里西欧提热衷于现代艺术,他的设计作品线条简练,每项设计都是一次新的空间探索,由此获得性格迥异的效果。如在建筑材料的运用、空间组合、比例尺度关系等方面,都予以富有新意、出人意料的处理与安排。位于法国地中海城市Vitrolles的音乐体育馆(Le Stadium)是他的代表作。
Ludi Ricciotto was born in Algeria in 1952. He studied at the Geneva University of Technology and obtained his diploma in 1975. He later passed an architect diploma in Marseille, France, in 1980. He belongs to a group of new architects who caused sensation and controversy in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The convergence of various cultures and various disciplines in modern society has provided a new generation of architects with the possibility of breaking the norm and seeking new directions for development. The development stage of this generation of architects, at the end of large-scale projects, the French government began to reduce the construction funds, which requires young designers to strive for creativity while making efforts to reduce the cost. Rudy Ricciault, known as the “Army Volunteer in Architecture”, is passionate about modern art. His designs are concise, and each design is a new exploration of space. This results in a very different character. For example, in the application of building materials, spatial composition, and the relationship between scale and other aspects, they are all given new ideas and unexpected handling and arrangements. His stadium is located in the music stadium (Le Stadium) in the French Mediterranean city of Vitrolles.