Effect of Tiantai No.1(天泰1号) on β-Amyloid-induced Neurotoxicity and NF- к B and cAMP Responsive Elem

来源 :中国结合医学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangqi1234
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To investigate the effect and molecular mechanism of Tiantai No.1 (天泰1号), a compound Chinese herbal preparation, for the prevention and reduction of neurotoxicity induced by beta-element-binding protein (CREB) pathways using the gene transfection technique. Methods: B104 neuronal cells were used to examine the effects of Tiantai No.1 on lowering the neurotoxicity induced by Abeta. The cells were pre-treated with Tiantai No.1 at doses of 50, 100, 150, or 200 μg/mL respectively for 3 days and co-treated with Tiantai No.1 and beta-amyloid peptidel-40 (Aβ 1-40, 10 μmol/L) for 48 h or post-treated with Tiantai No.1 for 48 h after the cells were exposed to beta-amyloid peptides25-35 (A β 25-35) for 8 h. In gene transfection assays, cells were treated with Tiantai No.1 at 50 μg/m/and 150 μg/mL for 5 days or co-treated with Tiantai No.1 and A β 1-40 (5 μ mo/L) for 3 days after electroporation for the with Tiantai No.1 lowered the neurotoxicity induced by Abeta, and post-treating with Tiantai No.1 reduced or blocked B104 neuronal apoptotic death induced by Abeta (P
游戏背景与内涵  《7554》这款游戏的背景设定于二战结束后的1946~1954年,反映的是越南军民抗击法国殖民统治,赢得国家独立与解放的战斗历程。游戏进程与历史基本相符,玩家在游戏中扮演一名越南游击队队员,跟随自己的队伍执行各种任务,既有正面战场上冲锋陷阵的搏杀,也有敌后伏击渗透的游击作战。玩家在作战中可以明显感受到敌我双方的武器装备差距,敌军有坦克、装甲车、飞机、重炮;而越南方面除轻武器外,只
患者 ,男性 ,72岁 ,吸烟史 5 0余年 ,因反复咳嗽、咯痰、憋喘40余年 ,加重伴左手掌肿胀疼痛半年 ,于 1999年 11月 30日入院。查体 :口唇轻度紫绀 ,颈静脉充盈 ,桶状胸 ,肋间
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1 恩菲尔德M1853步枪是南北战争时双方都大量装备的火帽击发步枪,也是非常著名的一种步枪。其有多款发展型,其中一款为缩短型骑枪  2 M1853骑枪枪口部特写。与其他M1853的发展型相比,骑枪的枪管、推弹杆缩短,并增加了推弹杆固定装置,外观上非常容易区分  3 M1853骑枪后部特写。该枪在枪身左侧、扳机前方增设了一个金属环,用于将枪挂在马鞍上,以便携行  4 击锤击打火帽,引燃火帽里的雷汞,
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LIANG Xiao-chun, director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)in Peking Union Medical College Hospital (PUMCH),has been working there since s