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煤炭作为我国的主要能源之一,对我国的经济发展起到了关键性的作用。随着环境保护理念受到越来越多的重视,可持续发展政策才是经济发展正确的方向。我国的煤炭企业之前往往是采取、粗放型,高耗能,高污染的经济管理模式,不利于资源的可持续利用,制约着企业的长远发展。要想保证煤炭企业循环发展,必须实现煤炭企业经济管理的规范化,优化产业结构,改变煤炭经营理念,本文对煤炭企业经济管理模式存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了相对应的解决策略。 As one of China’s major energy sources, coal plays a crucial role in the economic development of our country. With the concept of environmental protection being paid more and more attention, the policy of sustainable development is the correct direction for economic development. China’s coal enterprises are often taken before, extensive, high energy consumption, high pollution and economic management mode is not conducive to the sustainable use of resources, restricting the long-term development of enterprises. In order to ensure the circulation and development of coal enterprises, we must standardize the economic management of coal enterprises, optimize the industrial structure and change the philosophy of coal management. This paper analyzes the problems existing in the economic management mode of coal enterprises and puts forward the corresponding solutions.
A new city is in the making on the eastern outskirts of Guangzhou.In lieu of the average citizen,the city will be home to thousands of biotech engineers or new
【摘要】随着经济社会的快速发展,农村工业企业不仅越来越成为经济增长的重要驱动力,也面临着一系列经营困境,亟须进行管理模式创新。在这种背景下,本文从人本管理模式与技术管理模式两个方面着手,探讨了农村工业企业管理模式的创新思路。  【关键词】农村工业企业 管理模式 创新  一、农村工业企业实施人本管理模式  (一)农村工业企业的人才困境  一是低薪资与低人才素质无限循环。农村工业企业薪资水平普遍较低,
Spirits were high in Wuhn,an old industrial city in east China's Anhui Province,as fun-seeking crowds descended on Fantawild Adventure Thcme Park during the Na
A book fair wouldn't be a book fair without books.And while the number of book fairs in China has increased in recent years,the Guangzhou Book Fair has been he