1998年春 ,我站分别从江苏省常绿果树技术推广中心和吴县市东山镇果树站引进 2年生白沙系枇杷苗 2 10 0株 ,其中白玉 156 0株、冠玉 540株 ,种植在震泽镇勤俭村面积为 3 3hm2 的水稻田中 ,株行距为 4m× 4m。整个枇杷园路、渠、沟配套。 由于水稻田地势平坦 ,为进一步?
In the spring of 1998, 2 10 0 strains of 2-year-old white sand loquat seedlings were newly introduced from Jiangsu Evergreen Fruit Tree Technology Promotion Center and Dongshan Town Fruit Tree Station in Wu County, of which 156 0 white jade and 540 crown jade were planted in Zhenze Town In the paddy field with a land area of 3hm2 in Qinjian village, the row spacing is 4m × 4m. Loquat Park Road, drainage, ditch supporting. As the paddy field is flat, for further?