我们从1974年开始采用综合机械化采煤,到1982年,9年共产煤755.48万吨,年平均产量为83.9万吨,最高年份综采产量占总回采产量的65.3%,1980、1981年综采面的产量约为炮采面的两倍,综采面效率为炮采面效率的3~4倍,综采比炮采优越得多。但综采面年产量波动较大,幅度为48~55%,因此,要保证生产指标的完成,充分挖掘生产潜力,组织综采均衡生产则是生产中的关键。在生产实践中,我矿的主要做法是: 一、生产布局采用以综为主、以炮为辅、综炮结合、合理开发井田 1.组织形式。把原有的9个炮采队组编成
We started to adopt mechanized coal mining in 1974. By 1982, the total output of coal was 7,555,800 tons in 9 years, with an average annual output of 839,000 tons. The highest annual total comprehensive production accounted for 65.3% of the total production. In 1980 and 1981, fully mechanized mining The output of the surface is about twice that of the blast furnace, the efficiency of the fully mechanized mining face is 3 ~ 4 times of that of the blast furnace, and the comprehensive mining is much superior to the blast furnace. However, the annual output of the fully mechanized coal mining face fluctuates greatly with a range of 48-55%. Therefore, to ensure the completion of production targets, fully tap the potential of production and organize the balanced production of fully mechanized mining are the key points in production. In the production practice, the main practices of mine are: First, the production layout is based on the comprehensive, with the gun as a supplement, the combination of artillery, reasonable development Ida 1. organizational form. The original nine artillery mining team compiled