Great saphenous vein bridge (SVG) is the main cause of recurrence of angina in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), and percutaneous interventional therapy (PCI) is a common method of treatment of SVG.SVG lesions tend to be large, soft, easy Broken plaque contains a large number of necrotic tissue, cholesterol crystals, foam cells and blood cell components, PCI is faced with complications such as intraoperative and distal vascular embolism, high postoperative restenosis and high incidence of clinical MACE problems. Of SVG interventional therapy experience mainly refers to the autologous coronary PCI, such as balloon dilatation stent implantation, high-pressure release stent, the use of GP Ⅱ b / Ⅲ a receptor antagonist, but in recent years, evidence-based medical advocacy for SVG PCI Should be used direct stent and small diameter stent low pressure, intraoperative use of remote protection devices.