在美国 ,除了肥胖症和甲状腺疾病 ,最常见的内分泌代谢失调性疾病应属糖尿病 ,大约七分之一以上的医疗费用于糖尿病防治 ,即每年约需花费 1 0 0 0亿美元用于防治糖尿病及其并发症。其中当然包括检测费用 ,如生化或免疫方面的实验室检查。1 糖尿病实时检测临床医疗实践越来越清
In the United States, in addition to obesity and thyroid disease, the most common disorders of endocrine and metabolic disorders should be diabetes, and about one-seventh or more of the medical costs for the prevention and treatment of diabetes, that is, about $ 100 billion annually for the prevention and treatment of diabetes And its complications. Which of course includes testing costs, such as biochemical or immunological laboratory tests. 1 real-time detection of diabetes clinical practice more and more clear