The integration of soil erosion evaluation model with GIS has been a hot issue in current research. Based on the ArcGISEngine development package and component technology, the ArcObjects component is called in VisualBasic and the GIS embedded module based on RUSLE and soil erosion evaluation index model is constructed by creating ActiveDLL project. The module includes four sub-modules: calculation of soil erosion, evaluation of soil erosion at catchment scale, evaluation of soil erosion at small watershed scale and evaluation of soil erosion at slope scale. The research shows that based on ArcGISEngine, the development of soil erosion evaluation module based on binary dynamic link library (DLL) can simplify the computational logic of soil erosion evaluation and improve work efficiency. It has good extensibility, flexibility and operability. Modularization Of the soil erosion evaluation index can be better applied to land use and soil erosion evaluation related research.