第三部分:话题作文(要求:题目自拟,文体不限,不少于600字) 1.一切伟大的追求都有一个微不足道的开始。参天大树在崇山峻岭上巍然屹立,而它的种子,或许是一只不知名的鸟儿衔来的,或许是被一阵旋风刮来的,或许是一个歇脚的农夫无意中撒下的。江河湖海在漫无边际地流淌着,而它的开始,或许是叶边的一滴露珠,或许是崖隙里的一泓细泉,又或许是天空中飘落的一丝轻雨。至于伟大的思想,在巨人头脑中的闪现绝对是流星般划过,只是被捕捉到了,并以那微弱的火星点燃了无数的联想,才有了万古灼人的光芒。“开始”是重要的,即使它是那样微不足道。请以“开始”为话题写一篇作文。
Part III: Topic Essay (Requirements: Self-made subject, style is not limited, not less than 600 words) 1. All great pursuits have a trivial start. Towering trees standing tall in the mountains, and its seeds, perhaps an unknown bird title, perhaps by a whirlwind, perhaps a restless farmer accidentally sown. Rivers and lakes drifting endlessly, and its beginning, perhaps a drop of dew on the leaf, perhaps a small spring in the cliff, and perhaps a glimmer of light falling in the sky. As for the great thoughts, the glitz in the minds of the giants was absolutely meteoric, but only captured and the countless associations lighted up by that feeble planet Mars gave us a glorious glow. “Start ” is important, even if it is so trivial. Please write an essay with “Start ” as the topic.