
来源 :天津教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:HUANJIAN666
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目前,在班集体建设和管理中,存在着重总结性评价,轻过程性评价,只看评选结果,不注重工作过程记载的现象,造成平时不关心,期末争先进的被动局面,其结果不能调动班主任、学生干部、学生三方面积极性。所以,评“三好”和先进班集体是学校干部最怵头的事情之一。为了加强班集体的建设,促进良好校风、校纪的形成,近年来,我们对如何评价班集体,在以下三个方面做了一些探讨。一、评价班集体的基本要求新时期要求我们的学校培养的学生应该有理想,有道德,有文化,有纪律,热爱社会主义祖国和社会主义事业,具有为国家富强和人民富裕而艰苦奋斗的献身精神,应该不断追求知识,具有实事求是,善于创造的科学精神。班集体是学校的一个基本单位, At present, in the collective construction and management of the class, there is a focus on summative evaluation, light process evaluation, only to see the results of the selection, do not pay attention to the phenomenon recorded in the work process, resulting in the usual do not care, the passive situation of the end of the competition, the results can not be mobilized Class leaders, student leaders, and students are motivated by the three aspects. Therefore, commenting on the “Three Goods” and the advanced class collective is one of the most embarrassing things for school cadres. In order to strengthen the construction of class groups and promote the formation of good school ethos and school discipline, in recent years we have conducted some discussions on how to evaluate class collectives in the following three aspects. I. Basic Requirements of the Evaluation Class Collective Students who are required by our school in the new era should have ideals, morality, culture, discipline, love of the socialist motherland and socialist cause, and have the arduous struggle for the country’s prosperity and prosperity and the people’s prosperity. Dedicated spirit, we should continue to pursue knowledge, have a practical and creative spirit. The class is a basic unit of the school.
外伤性肾破裂出血常采用外科手术治疗.本文报告3例经肾动脉超选择栓塞治疗此病,效果满意.着重探讨其治疗方法及其意义. Traumatic renal rupture often used surgical treatment
大自然作为世间唯一的造物主,也会有自己的宠儿,他在创造时特别倾心尽力,特别精益求精。贝加尔湖,毫无疑问,正是这样的宠儿。 Nature, as the only Creator in the world, w