铁道部干扰防护标准技术组于1990年8月27~28日在北京举行了第三次工作会议。会议进行了以下几项工作。 1.各干扰防护标准编制单位和科研项目承担单位汇报了工作开展情况。会议要求各项目承担单位认清电气化铁道干扰防护现状,在现有条件下,针对14项标准、7项科研,分清轻重缓急,分步实施。 2.审查了电化局通号设计院编制的《交流电气化铁道对油(气)管道(含油库)的影响及防护安全标准》,并提出了修改意见。 3.对电化局通号设计院提交的《交流电气化铁道对有线广播线干扰影响的研究报告》进行了讨论。与会专家一致认为试验工作扎
Ministry of Railways Interference Protection Standards Technical Group held its third working conference in Beijing on August 27-28, 1990. The meeting conducted the following work. 1. The units that prepare interference protection standards and the units undertaking research projects report the work carried out. The meeting called for the project undertaking unit to recognize the status quo of the electrified railway interference protection. Under the current conditions, the 14 standards and 7 scientific research projects are to be prioritized and implemented step by step. 2. Reviewed the “Impact of Electrified Railway on Oil and Gas Pipelines (Oil Depot) and Safety Standards for Protection” prepared by IC Design Institute, and proposed the revisions. 3. A discussion report on the research report on the influence of AC electrified railway on the interference of cable broadcasting line submitted by CTMT Design Institute was conducted. The participating experts agreed that the experimental work together