Using embryonic myoblasts to research the formation and de-velopmental mechanisms of skeletal muscle is becoming a research hotspot. This study aimed to establish a method of isolation, culture and identification of my-oblasts in duck embryos. [Method] Pectoral and leg muscle samples were isolated from the embryos of Gaoyou duck at 13 d of hatching, then disassociated with col-lagenase and trypsin and purified via differential adhesion. The isolated cells were cultured in vitro and detected for the expression of Pax7 protein using immunofluo-rescence technique. [Result] Myoblasts were obtained successful y both from pectoral and leg muscles in duck embryos and these cells proliferated strongly and differen-tiated wel . Immunofluorescence staining showed that more than 95% cells could express Pax7 protein. [Conclusion] In summary, we report the successful establish-ment of a complete system for the isolation, purification, identification and culture of myoblasts from duck embryos.