1 合理安排茬口此栽培模式前作水稻制种安排在4月下旬至9月底,蚕豆安排在10月下旬至翌年4月下旬。水稻制种选用近年来在我地表现适应性广、产量高、米质优等特点的 D 奇宝优527、Ⅱ优辐819、特优175等组合。蚕豆选用长势旺、品质优、商品性好的鲜食加工型品种慈溪大粒1号。2 水稻高产制种技术
1 Reasonable arrangements stubble cultivation mode before planting rice seed arrangement in late April to the end of September, broad beans arranged in late October to the following year in late April. Rice seed selection in recent years in my show wide adaptability, high yield, high quality rice and other characteristics of D Kebao excellent 527, Ⅱ excellent radiation 819, Teijian 175 combinations. The selection of fowl flourishing Wang, excellent quality, good commercial good variety Cixi Daci No. 1. 2 high-yielding rice seed production technology