六、酒色夹攻(上) 市区南端,全市最高档的饭店——御膳房大酒店灯火辉煌,霓虹灯闪闪烁烁,门前的礼仪小姐身披绶带仪态万方,向客人们展示着职业性的微笑。酒店门前的广场上停满着一辆辆各种款式的小轿车,展现出上流社会的奢侈和张狂。城市的美好时光是从晚上开始的,只有到了晚上城市才是活跃甚至疯狂的。 岳甲在酒店门前停下摩托车走进金碧辉煌的厅堂。今
Sixth, wine color folder attack (on) the southern end of the city, the city’s most upscale hotel - Imperial Hotel room lights, neon lights flashing, in front of Miss etiquette wearing a ribbon with the instrument state, to show guests a professional smile . The square in front of the hotel is full of cars and cars of various styles, showing the high society’s luxury and insolence. The good times of the city begin at night, and the city is only active or even crazy at night. Yuejia stopped the motorcycle in front of the hotel into the magnificent hall. this