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  A new generation of 1)daredevils is seeking to plunge through nearly seven miles of seawater to the bottom of a rocky 2)chasm in the western Pacific that is 3)veiled in perpetual darkness. It is the ocean’s deepest spot. The 4)forbidding place, known as the Challenger Deep, is so far removed from the warming rays of the sun that its temperature hovers near freezing.
  “When I was a kid, I loved not only amazing ocean exploration but space, too,” James Cameron, the director of Avatar, Titanic and The Abyss, said in an interview.
  The would-be explorers can afford to live their dreams because of their extraordinarily deep pockets. Significantly, their ambitions far exceed those of the world’s 5)seafaring nations, which have no plans to send people so deep.
  The billionaires and millionaires include Mr. Cameron, the airline 6)mogul Richard Branson and the Internet guru Eric E. Schmidt. Each is building, planning to build or financing the construction of mini-submarines meant to transport them, their friends and scientists into the depths.
  The vehicles, meant to hold one to three people, are estimated to cost anywhere from $7 million to $40 million. The first dive is scheduled for later this year. Since 7)secrecy and technical uncertainty surround many of the ventures, 8)oceanographers say the current schedules may well change.
  The rush is happening now in part because of advances in materials, batteries and electronics, which are lowering the cost and raising the capabilities of 9)submersibles. Still, the challenges are 10)formidable.
  Hardest to build are the crew 11)compartments, whose walls must be very thick, strong and precisely manufactured to withstand tons of crushing pressure. Designers are using not only traditional steel but such unexpected materials as spheres of pressure-resistant glass.
  Humans have laid eyes on the Challenger Deep just once, half a century ago, in a United States Navy vessel. 12)Forays to lesser depths have multiplied over the years. Since the discovery of the Titanic at the bottom of the North Atlantic in 1985, hundreds of explorers, tourists and moviemakers (including Mr. Cameron) have visited the world’s most famous shipwreck. It lies more than two miles down.
  The Challenger Deep and similar 13)recesses are part of a vast system of seabed 14)trenches that 15)crisscross the globe. The deepest are found in the western Pacific.
  In early April, Mr. Branson held a news conference in Newport Beach, California, to unveil his submersible. “The last great challenge for humans,” declared Mr. Branson, the founder of Virgin Atlantic and Virgin Galactic, “is to explore the depths of our planet’s oceans.”
  A few weeks later, in late April, another team went public. It unveiled plans, rather than a nearly complete vehicle. The company, Triton Submarines, based in Vero Beach, Florida, makes tiny submersibles with 16)acrylic personnel spheres that carry two people down a half-mile or more. The clear spheres provide much better viewing than the tiny 17)portholes of traditional submersibles.
  The company announced that it was ready to build a submersible to carry three people into the Challenger Deep. A company brochure says investors can expect to charge $250,000 a seat for tours of the Challenger Deep.
  The company said the craft would drop fast, covering the seven miles in about two hours. That would leave hours of bottom time for exploration before the return trip to the surface. “It’s not a 18)publicity stunt,” he said of the planning effort. “We’re commercial vehicle builders. We want a product that can be used repeatedly without any difficulty—one that is very elegant, very safe and very competitive.”
  Mike McDowell, a leading organizer of adventure tours, including dives to the Titanic, said he was talking to Triton and added that he expected the market for dives into the Challenger Deep to be relatively limited. “It’s more an 19)iconic experience than ‘Gee, everything was so beautiful,’ ” he said in an interview. “And you eliminate a lot of people on the fear factor.”
  Mr. Cameron, the maker of Hollywood blockbusters, has 20)kept a low profile and based his effort in Australia. Some five years ago, he formed a team that has been quietly building a submersible along traditional lines, only smaller. In an interview, he said its steel personnel sphere was just four feet wide and would accommodate just one person.
  The sphere underwent a successful pressure test in September 2009, Mr. Cameron said. He said his team had overcome major problems with foam meant to 21)buoy the heavy sphere: Early foam 22)crumbled under pressure tests, threatening to rob the submersible of 23)buoyancy and 24)maroon it on the bottom.
  The team is building cameras for three-dimensional filming, Mr. Cameron said. Despite reports that the vehicle might be involved in an oceanic 25)sequel to Avatar, he insisted that the deep craft had “nothing to do with my feature life” —though a documentary or two might be forthcoming.
  Mr. Cameron said test dives were scheduled for early next year. In the summer of 2012, he added, he and his team will dive in the western Pacific 12 to 15 times. The goal is to 26)plumb not only the Challenger Deep but the Tonga and Kermadec Trenches, which lie north of New Zealand.
  The filmmaker added that he was talking to oceanic institutes about developing long-term relationships for use of the submersible. “We’ve gotten a pretty 27)resounding response from the science community,” he said, “because they have such limited funding and access to these deep environments.”
  Perhaps the least visible of the 28)entrepreneurs is Mr. Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google—and the founder of the Schmidt Ocean Institute and the Schmidt Research Vessel Foundation. The institute’s two 29)oceangoing ships are quite large, 253 and 272 feet long.
  Mr. Schmidt has also financed the development of an advanced submersible designed by Deep Ocean Exploration and Research, a company on Alameda Island in San Francisco Bay. Its founder, Sylvia A. Earle, is an oceanographer and a former chief scientist of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
  The craft, Deepsearch, is large and sleek by submersible standards. It looks like a fish or a 30)torpedo. Holding up to three people, it would plunge seven miles in little more than an hour. Its personnel sphere, like that of the Triton model, is to be made of glass for better viewing.
  “The goal,” says a company Web site, “is not a stunt dive” to the Challenger Deep but “a world asset capable of providing scientists with unlimited access to the deep ocean.”
  If anyone thinks of the new explorers as grown-up children playing with expensive toys, ocean veterans reply that there is ample scientific justification for creating new technologies that can regularly plumb the full depth of the ocean, which covers more than 70 percent of the planet yet remains poorly explored.
  “The result will be good,” said Don Walsh, a retired Navy officer who survived the descent to the Challenger Deep in 1960 and is advising some of the new ventures. “It will bring people around to remembering how little we know about the oceans.”
  “小时候,我不但喜欢令人惊叹的海洋探索,也很喜欢太空探索,” 电影《阿凡达》、《泰坦尼克号》及《深渊》的导演詹姆斯•卡梅隆在一次访问中这样说道。
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