去年初秋,有客自西班牙来,带来奇伊达于8月不幸去世的消息。世界失去了二十世纪最后一位雕刻大师,我失去了又一位朋友。 几年前我曾同赵无极谈起奇伊达,说他是当今世界最好的雕刻家。赵无极是奇伊达的老朋友,他完全赞同我的说法。其实,虽然世界雕坛并没有一个明确的排名,但是这个看法在圈内人士中是极为普遍的。
In the autumn of last year, a visitor came from Spain and brought the news that Qi Idah unfortunately passed away in August. The world lost the last engraver of the twentieth century, and I lost another friend. A few years ago I talked about Qi Da with Zao Wou-ki, saying that he is the best sculptor in the world today. Zao Wou-ki is Chiida’s old friend, who fully agrees with me. In fact, although there is no clear definition of the world carved altar, but this view is very common among the insiders.