A review of rapid transport of pesticides from sloping farmland to surface waters: Processes and mit

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:meimeini
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Pesticides applied to sloping farmland may lead to surface water contamination through rapid transport processes as influenced by the complex topography and high spatial variability of soil properties and land use in hilly or mountainous regions.However,the fate of pesticides applied to sloping farmland has not been sufficiently elucidated.This article reviews the current understanding of pesticide transport from sloping farmland to surface water.It examines overland flow and subsurface lateral flow in areas where surface soil is underlain by impervious subsoil or rocks and tile drains.It stresses the importance of quantifying and modeling the contributions of various pathways to rapid pesticide loss at catchment and regional scales.Such models could be used in scenario studies for evaluating the effectiveness of possible mitigation strategies such as constructing vegetated strips,depressions,wetlands and drainage ditches,and implementing good agricultural practices.Field monitoring studies should also be conducted to calibrate and validate the transport models as well as biophysical-economic models,to optimize mitigation measures in areas dominated by sloping farmland.
摘 要:通过多种高产栽培技术的实施,可促使棉花种植的效益大幅度提升,且能够有效推进我国经济的可持续发展进程。本文主要通过整地、播种管理及病虫害防治等多个方面,针对棉花高产栽培技术开展深入的研究和分析,以期为促进棉花种植实效性提升,大幅度提升棉花种植效益做出一些贡献。  关键词:棉花;高产栽培技术;实效性;种植效益  棉花作为一种经济型作物之一,其种植质量对促进我国农业发展存在十分重要的影响。棉花的