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化肥是粮食的“粮食”。据有关部门测算,在各种农业条件具备的情况下,每施1吨化肥可增产2至3吨粮食,按照我国目前每年1亿吨用肥量计算,仅此一项就可增产2亿多吨粮食。因此,要实现我国确定的“九五”期间增产500亿公斤粮食的目标,化肥的战略地位就不容忽视。 记者在春耕时节到东北、西南和华北等地对化肥供求进行专题调查,看到了化肥生产紧张、供不应求、价格过高的真实情况。在近两个月的时间里,记者广泛接触了农民、生产厂家、农资部门以及各级政府的领导们,探讨解决化肥供求矛盾的最佳“处方”。一些农业专家提出,在我国化肥产量一时还满足不了农业需要的情况下,应该拓展思路寻求应急办法。他们建议,可以通过积造农家肥、推广新施肥技术和发展复合肥等办法,缓解持续多年的化肥需求压力。 Fertilizer is the “grain” of food. According to calculations by relevant authorities, under the conditions of various agricultural conditions, the production of 1 ton of chemical fertilizer can increase the production of 2 to 3 tons of grain. According to China’s current annual consumption of 100 million tons of fertilizer, only this item can increase production by more than 200 million tons. Tons of food. Therefore, to achieve the goal of increasing production of 50 billion kilograms of grain during the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” period set by China, the strategic status of chemical fertilizers cannot be ignored. During the spring season, the reporter went to the northeast, southwest, and northern China to conduct a special investigation on the supply and demand of chemical fertilizers, and saw the real situation of the shortage of fertilizer production, the shortage of supply, and the excessively high prices. In the past two months, the reporter has extensively touched the leaders of farmers, manufacturers, agricultural resources departments, and governments at all levels to discuss the best “prescription” for solving the contradiction between fertilizer supply and demand. Some agricultural experts have suggested that if China’s fertilizer production can not meet the needs of agriculture for a time, it should expand its thinking and seek emergency measures. They suggested that the pressure on chemical fertilizers that lasted for many years could be eased by accumulating farmyard fertilizers, promoting new fertilizer technologies and developing compound fertilizers.