总以为院士距离我很远,采访的时候总是紧张得很,但看过刘院士的简介,发现自己竟与他是老乡,不禁暗自高兴,心想这下不用那么紧张了。拨通刘院士的电话,跟他说了自己的这个想法,刘院士笑了,他说:“你这个小老乡,那担心是多余的,不是老乡也是一样的嘛。”于是,也改口称刘老,采访便这么轻松地开始了。 刘老的人生观是奉献,他说奉献是人生一种乐事,它会留下美好的回忆。吃喝玩乐的享受生活是没有意义的,这样的人只不过是时代的过客而已。
I always thought that the academician was far away from me. During the interview, I was always very nervous. However, after I read the brief introduction of Professor Liu, I found myself loathed with him as a fellow. I thought it would not be so tense. Call Liu Academician’s phone, told him this idea, Academician Liu laughed, he said: “You little fellow, that worry is superfluous, not fellow is the same thing.” So, also changed the name of Liu Old, interview began so easily. Liu Lao’s outlook on life is dedication, he said that dedication is a pleasure in life, it will leave a good memory. It does not make sense to eat, drink and enjoy life, and such people are nothing more than passers-by of the times.