弘扬先进典型 投身改革发展——中国工商银行6名劳模先进代表受到全国金融工会表彰

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5月22日,全国金融系统先进集体先进个人表彰大会暨第一届全国金融道德模范颁奖仪式在北京隆重举行,中国工商银行6名劳模先进代表参加了表彰大会。会前,总行党委委员、副行长、工会主任王敬东会见劳模先进代表,充分肯定他们爱岗敬业、勤奋工作、争创一流的精神及做出的突出贡献,在听取劳模先进代表意见和建议的同时,鼓励他们进一步发挥模范带头作用,带动广大员工坚定信心、克服困难、齐心协力投身改革发展,不断取得新的业绩。6名先进劳模代表分别为:内蒙古自治区分行 On May 22, the honorable mention ceremony of the advanced collectives in the financial system and the award ceremony of the first national model financial ethics were held in Beijing. Six representatives of model workers from Industrial and Commercial Bank of China attended the ceremony. Prior to the meeting, Wang Jingdong, member of the Party Committee, Vice President and Trade Union Head Office of the Head Office, met with advanced representatives of model workers and fully affirmed their dedication, diligence and top-notch contribution and made outstanding contributions. While listening to the opinions and suggestions of advanced representatives of model workers At the same time, they should be encouraged to take the exemplary leadership role further and lead the staff to firm their confidence and overcome difficulties. Together, they should devote themselves to reform and development and continuously make new achievements. Six representatives of advanced model workers are: Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region branch