卫星广播电视数字传输技术和数字信息高速网络使传播业发生了翻天覆地的变化。当人们沉醉在对地球村美妙前景的憧憬时,必须清醒地认识到:由于综合国力等因素, 发达国家与发展中国家之间正在形成不平衡的信息流,媒介帝国借助信息侵略,向发展中国家传播自己的价值观念、意识形态和思想文化,从而对发展中国家的国家认同和文化认同构成威胁。中国拥有着几千年文化传统的积淀,也是目前世界上最大的发展中国家,传媒大国的电视节目正逐渐地在我们这个越来越开放的国度里落地。如何应对传播全球化的挑战,抵御外来文化的冲击,无疑是我们正在面临着的一个重要的课题。
The digital broadcasting technology for satellite broadcasting and television and the high-speed digital information network have undergone drastic changes in the broadcasting industry. When people are intoxicated with their longing for the wonderful prospect of a global village, they must clearly understand that due to factors such as overall national strength, an imbalanced flow of information is being formed between developed and developing countries. With the information aggression, the media empire provides developing countries Spread their own values, ideology and ideology and culture, posing a threat to the national identity and cultural identity of developing countries. China has accumulated thousands of years of cultural traditions and is currently the largest developing country in the world. The television programs of major media countries are gradually landing in our increasingly open country. How to deal with the challenges of spreading globalization and resist the impact of foreign cultures is undoubtedly an important issue we are now facing.