日本光洋精工公司和东芝公司合作研制成功了一种陶瓷滚动轴承,使用寿命要比一般采用轴承钢材料的长得多。这种轴承的滚珠座圈、转动体(滚珠或滚柱)都是用陶瓷制造的。 陶瓷滚动轴承具有耐高温、耐腐蚀、刚性大、重量轻等优点,许多轴承制造厂都在致力研究开发。然而,由于滚动造成的疲劳,在使用寿命方面要比轴承钢材料的差得多。 这次研制成功的轴承采用了Si_3N_4材料,能耐受600kg/mm~2的面压,疲劳寿
Japan’s Koyo Seiko co-operation with Toshiba Corporation developed a ceramic rolling bearing, the service life of steel bearing material than the general much longer. This bearing ball race, rotating body (ball or roller) are made of ceramic. Ceramic rolling bearings with high temperature, corrosion resistance, rigidity, light weight, etc., many bearing manufacturers are committed to research and development. However, due to the fatigue caused by rolling, the service life is much worse than the bearing steel material. The successful development of the bearing using Si_3N_4 material, can withstand 600kg / mm ~ 2 surface pressure, fatigue life