20年 ,怎么一下就过了呢 ?叫人没有丝毫准备 ,就到了 2 0年前相约的日子。这时 ,我才真切地感到青春的短暂和无奈。2 0年前 ,我们省气象学校二十多位奔赴高原的同学个个兴奋好奇的面孔仿佛还在眼前 ,分手时许下的 2 0年后再相会的庄严承诺仿佛就在昨天。由于对神秘高原的向往和
In 20 years, what happened? Just did not make the slightest preparations. It was 20 years ago, the same day. At this moment, I really felt the short and helpless youth. 20 years ago, more than 20 provincial meteorological schools went to the plateau students all the excited face seems curious, breaking up promised to meet after 20 years as if solemn commitment yesterday. Because of the longing for the mysterious plateau