在种类繁多的化妆品日益侵入女大学生床头的今天,也仍有坚决不同意涂脂抹粉的“顽固分子”。如女生甲便说:“不加修饰的自然状态是最美的!”有女生乙反唇相讥:“那么原始人是最美的了,因为他们毫无修饰——连衣服都不穿!”甲顿时哑口无言。 这段对话中,乙能取胜,是因为她采用了归谬法和“非黑即白”的诡辩法。甲认为“不加修饰的自然状态是最美的”。乙先假设甲的观点正确,提出“原始人处于不加修饰的自然状态”——但这显然是个谬论。从原始人穿上第一件用树叶缀成的衣服,戴上第一串用兽骨做成的项链,他们便已认识到他们的原始状态并不美。由这个谬论可以反推知甲的观点是错误的。这里用了归谬法。
Today, there are still some “die-hards” who strongly disagree with the practice of applying lip gloss on the day when beddings of female students are increasingly being infiltrated by a large variety of cosmetics. For example, a girl said: “The unmodified natural state is the most beautiful!” There are girls B retorted: “So primitive people are the most beautiful, because they are unmodified - even clothes do not wear!” No words. In this conversation, B can win because she adopted the fallacy and non-black and white sophistry. A think “unmodified natural state is the most beautiful.” B first assumes that A’s point of view is correct, proposing that “primitives are in a natural state without modification” - but this is clearly a fallacy. From the first person wearing the first leaf-dyed clothes, wearing the first string of necklace made of animal bones, they have realized that their original state is not beautiful. From this fallacy, it is wrong to reverse the knowledge of A’s opinion. Here used to return false method.