陈箴作品全集顾问委员会公众讨论会时间:2010年2月27日/地点:意大利圣吉米亚诺大教堂广场莱杰里剧院组织者:ADAC—陈箴朋友协会,常青画廊(圣吉米亚诺/磨坊/北京)Public meeting with the advisory committee of the catalogue raisonne of Chen ZhenTIME:2010.2.27/LOCATION:Teatro dei Leggeri,Piazza del Duomo,San Gimignano,Italy/0RGANIZERS:ADAC-Association des Amis de Chen Zhen and Galleria Continua San Gimignano/Le Moulin/Beijing
Chen Zhen Complete Works Advisory Committee Public Seminar Date: February 27, 2010 / Venue: Liguria Theater, Piazza San Gimignano, Italy Organizer: ADAC-Chen Zhen Friends Association, Evergreen Gallery (San Gimignano / Mills / Beijing) Public meeting with the advisory committee of the catalog raisonne of Chen ZhenTIME: 2010.2.27 / LOCATION: Teatro dei Leggeri, Piazza del Duomo, San Gimignano, Italy / 0RGANIZERS: ADAC-Association des Amis de Chen Zhen and Galleria Continua San Gimignano / Le Moulin / Beijing